Saturday, July 3, 2010

Day 3, July 3, 2010

I'm always happy to have left-overs. If I didn't just cook it, I feel like I'm eating out. Because of my sensitivity to the littlest bit of gluten, I really don't eat out.

So the pork from last night's vegetable and meat mix made it's last appearance this morning. It wasn't much, about 2 ounces, but enough. Sliced thin and then chopped it was tender and flavorful. I used 5 black olives, chopped, and one tablespoon of mayonnaise. I fried a piece of gluten free bread in about 1/4 teaspoon of olive oil, mostly dry fried it, till is was hot and just starting to brown. Then I spread the mixed meat and olives on the toast.

Perhaps you're wondering about calories. One piece of gluten free bread, 90 calories, mayo, 100 calories, lean pork, 2 ounces, 160 calories, 5 olives, 25 calories, 1/4 teaspoon of olive oil, 25 calories. That's 400 calories all together. It was filling and nourishing, fast and easy to make. Works for me.

Today's smoothy was raspberry, from frozen berries, with no ice cubes. One cup of coconut milk, one cup of water, frozen berries, one banana, one shot of maple syrup. Still cool, sweet and refreshing.

Dinner was different, big salad, fried plantain, and one over-easy egg.

1. a big bowl of pre-washed greens
2. two little chopped anchovies
3. 1/4 red onion chopped small
4. a handful of Trader Joe's gluten free cranberry maple nut granola
5. Trader Joe's salad dressing - Oil and vinegar (made with wine vinegar, no gluten)

Plantain and egg
1. a very ripe, squishy, black plantain- this is a kind of banana that has to be cooked, and can often be found where Mexican foods are available. (In Mexico it's called a "macho" banana. Swear.) It's a staple in central and south America. Peel it, cut it in half cross wise, then slice it into 3 or 4 slices lengthwise. Fry it in a little olive oil till it's soft and browning.
2. Use a non stick pan, and a teaspoon of good margarine (non hydrogenated if possible) to lightly cook an egg.

I shop a lot at Trader Joe's because their labeling is excellent and they're always willing to check with customer service if I am not convinced something is gluten free. I'm sure there are gluten free foods at other stores, but I'm not familiar with their stock.

I learned two things today. I tend to fry food, and I'm not a great photographer. It's early days, as they say, and I may improve. Happy Fourth of July.

Remember, you have to eat well in order to feel well. Especially if you have celiac disease. It's like you're always operating with a deficit. Plan ahead. Take food you can safely eat. Not eating is not a workable option. Eating gluten is even less workable. My daughter often says things like "Remember Mom, I know what it's like to live with you on gluten."

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