Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Life is so good, fried rice and Right Now! gluten free chocolate cookies

Today's long over due blog is going to be fast and dirty. After 4 plus weeks of pain and immobility I feel great. I walked on the beach. I have plans and projects all over the house. The living room curtains are in the washer and soon will be dried, ironed, and blowing fresh and clean in the windows. I hope. The left over sofa fabric is hanging on a chair back ready to recover the stained cushion. The little sewing machine is most optimistically sitting on the dining table as though any second I will be stitching seams and making fabric order.

Right Now Gluten Free Chocolate cookies
first, guess why? So easy. Mine are little over baked.
1. About a teaspoon of excellent unsweetened chocolate, (I used the new discs of bitter chocolate from Trader Joe's because I believe them, mostly. If they say gluten free it probably is.) 2 tablespoons of maple syrup and about 3 tablespoons of a gluten free baking mix, I don't think it matters which kind.
2. It will look as though it will not integrate, but persist. No egg, no oil, no nothing else. Mix it till it's gloppy and moistly stiff. Or stiffly moist.
3. By half teaspoons put it on a little margarined, or buttered heat proof dish. I did mine in a toaster oven. It seems less considered and therefore lower calories that way. However long I set my timer, about 9 minutes, was too long, but they, all five of them, were hit the spot delicious.

Hashbrowns, pork cubes and fried eggs
. This is mostly for inspiration but here goes.
1. Hashbrowns: Wash, grate and cook a potato in oil and a hot pan. Let it set and brown before turning the "patty" over. Cook it well because it's better browned and a little crispy.
2. Pork cubes: Buy a pork roast and cut it up and freeze chunks or slices for later use. Mine was too small to fill me up, hence the addition of eggs.
Wash it, cut it into cubes, flour it with whatever you like to use that's gluten free with spices. Saute it until it's hot and firm, but not hard and dry. Shove it over and cook some eggs in marg or butter for better flavor, cook 'em fast and low because I hate over cooked hard eggs. Serve and feel lots better about life and your future. Add a little salt.

I've been very into fried rice. I almost said, 'Half a cup of used brown rice" but that's wrong.
Half a cup of cooked brown rice and onion and whatever vegies you have. Cook the vegies first, well, crispy is best, add the rice and cook it hot and well. Mix it up. Add the tomatoes at the last second, as they're better just warm, not mushy. Spices, salt and peper.

Shoe string potatoes and asparagus
is just delicious. One potato washed and cut into skinny strips. Fry them till they're getting a little browned and soft, add asparagus cut into 1 and a half inch lengths. Cook till they're all soft and you're ready to eat. Salt. So good. Make lots.
The fish is beer battered sea bass. Unfortunately it wasn't too fresh when I bought it, and I kept it two days, so it smelled like amonia and was not edible. Oh, well.

1. Beer batter: old flat gluten free beer, (Green's to be exact from Whole Foods) about a quarter cup. Half a cup of spiced gluten free flour mix. Two eggs. Beat it well, dip the pieces or slices of fish, coat well, and drop carefully into a hot oiled pan, cook on both sides for a couple of minutes each. Throw away.

Or if you've done this better than me, make a nice sauce and enjoy with the asparagus potato dish.
It's so good to be back. Lots of love, Barb