Wednesday, August 18, 2010

A commitment to health

That's the thing about a blog, life just keeps going on and seems to take up all the time. Sorry for no postings for many days. I have lots of photos of food, I did keep taking pictures of everything I cooked, but either I didn't have time or energy to write to you, or I wrote and it disappeared leaving an error message, "oops, sorry, it's gone." No it doesn't say that, but it might as well.

Here is the psychic, physical and psychological summary of my last two weeks: I decided I had to make a commitment to my health, which means putting it first. So, like Kinsey Milhone, the famous private eye from Sue Grafton, I roll out of bed and go to the beach first thing in the morning. I don't jog. I walk. And I take my sweet but possibly scary looking dog with me for protection from some imagined danger.

Then I come home and cook my main meal of the day, very healthy and low carb, and I listen to my current favorite bible teacher on the internet. This is my spiritual food and I do feel better for hearing it.

Then, if I still have the get up and go, I clean the kitchen and do the things on the Franklyn list for that day.

It's working, but the blog keeps slipping over the edge at the end of the list. The pictures accumulate and I feel bad, but they don't get posted.

Two other things of note. I was promoted to Editor in Chief of the Baja News which makes me happy and sounds a lot more glorious than it really is. Also I came to an inner decision that my bouts with the blues are going to come around regularly and there is no point in twisting my self into a pretzel trying to figure out why, who's to blame, and what the solution is. The blues go as fast as they come, and are most likely physiological in origin. I intend to stop blaming others or myself for that sorrow. I intend to just wait it out and not fret more than necessary.

Today's meal is scallops and sauteed vegetables. I wash the scallops and pat them dry with a paper towel. Then I coat them lightly in potato starch in which I mix chili flakes, turmeric, salt, pepper, and cumin. (I put this mix in a shallow dish with a flat bottom, and I turn the scallops gently with a fork.) I saute them in enough olive oil to cover the pan. Fast, real fast, maybe a minute on each side. Then I cover them with lime juice, from one lime, and turn the heat back on for a minute to steam the little guys with the lime juice.

The vegetables are: One round zucchini, half a sweet onion, chopped, 7 cloves of garlic chopped fine, three tomatoes, one only half ripe from the garden (half green doesn't matter, still tastes good, still nutritious,) and one half inch slice of eggplant cut in little squares. I browned the onions lightly, added everything else and stirred it till it was soft and smelled good.

Serve and eat.

It's finally warm here. Summer seems to be starting very late. I read somewhere that work is not exercise. Exercise is the rhythmic contraction and release of muscles. I read somewhere else, in a sequel to The Artist's Way, that one should go outside and walk on the ground for 30 minutes a day, that it does something that exercising inside can't do. I think about that as I walk on the beach. The air is fresh and I like banging my feet down on the earth. I know you can't all walk on the beach, but I bet you can walk someplace nice? Someplace with green stuff growing and air that smells good? I challenge you to walk and eat well, gluten free and high protein, for a week and see how much better you feel.

Hopefully, you will hear from me soon.