Thursday, July 8, 2010

Rainy Baja Curried Lamb

July 8, 2010

It's raining, which is amazing here in northern Baja. Chilly, damp, lovely, perfect weather for a hot, spicy dish.

I'm a dinner for breakfast person, but almost no one else is, so don't feel any pressure to do the same. Eggs and minute amounts of carbohydrate just don't work for me. I'm hungry soon after and feel tired all day.

Dinner last night was baked lamb shoulder, too expensive, too late, too tough and I ate too much. So I had a whole "chop" left. It wasn't really a chop at all, but bits of meat from around the shoulder bone rolled up and tied with string.

The left over piece was too well done and tough for plain eating, but chopped up small with a chef's knife it was perfect for my not necessarily ethnically correct Indian Curry.

For two:

1. 6 or 7 ounces of cooked lamb, or any other meat. Chicken, pork, or beef are fine.
2. half a huge onion or a whole small one, chopped medium.
3. 5 cloves of garlic chopped fine
4. 1/4 cup of raisins are good in this. I didn't have any, so I soaked some dried cape gooseberries and chopped them up.
5. one ounce of port wine is optional
6. lots of spices: a really good curry powder (1 teaspoon), turmeric (1/2 teaspoon), fresh ground pepper (to taste), salt (1/2 teaspoon), cumin (1/4 teaspoon)
7. Olive oil to saute the onions, garlic and meat. (A couple of generous tablespoons.)
8. 14 ounces of coconut milk. (This really works better here than any other kind of milk or substitute.)
9. 1/2 cup of chicken broth, if you have it. If not, what have you got? More liquid from cooking the cauliflower? Water?
10. 1 tablespoon of potato starch for each cup of liquid. About 2 1/2 tablespoons if you're doing it just as written.
11. Rice to serve with the curry

Put it together:
1. Start the rice cooking. I do like a rice cooker.
2. Saute the onions and garlic together 'till soft and sort of see through.
3. Add the chopped lamb and raisins.
4. Add the port wine.
5. In the blender, mix the coconut milk, and all the spices and chicken broth and potato starch.
6. When the pan full of meat and onions is hot, add the blender liquid and stir steadily until it's thick and bubbly. Taste it. Is it spicy enough? Add more and stir if you wish more flavor. I like it pretty strong.
7. Serve rice and spoon the curry over the top. I prefer a bowl so the curry doesn't run away.

We had well done green beans with salt and lime juice for the vegetable. Yum. A great way to start the day.

I admit it doesn't look as stunning as it might in the picture, but boy is it good, and worth the little trouble. Nothing you can get at a stand on the way to work, even if it is gluten free, is going to taste this good, or do as good a job of keeping you smart and strong all day long.

This is Jose Antonio in front of my garden which steadfastly refuses to grow anything but squash, beans and tomatoes. Still I'm grateful. The pleasure it gives me to go out and pick even three fresh vegetables from my own dirt and eat them is immeasurable.

Send an email if you have questions or thoughts.

July 7, 2010

My friend Rachel is here from Oregon and we decided to have cauliflower with cheese sauce for breakfast. It's warm, soft, creamy, comforting and filling.

You need a nice fresh cauliflower. When they're young and fresh they're creamy white without many dark spots. One small to medium head is plenty for two. We had left over brown rice. We picked jalapeno cheddar cheese for flavor and spiciness. I use coconut milk because mostly I don't use dairy. Since this is a cheese dish, it doesn't make much sense to avoid milk, but coconut milk is what I have and what I'm used to, so that's what I used.

1. one clean fresh cauliflower
2. 6 ounces of flavorful cheese
3. 14 ounces, more or less, of milk or milk substitute like coconut milk
4. 1 teaspoon of gluten free mustard
5. 3 tablespoons of potato starch
6. Salt, pepper, and garlic powder to taste

Make it:

1. Wash the cauliflower well, and cut or break the head into florets. Steam or simmer them in water to cover the florets. It takes about 15 minutes. Wait till they're tender but not soggy. Save the water for good flavored broth.

2. Cook rice or use leftovers heated in the microwave. Brown rice is always healthier than white rice, but there are times when the white rice texture is more desirable. It's your call.

3. Make the cheese sauce:
a. cut the cheese into cubes about 1 inch, put in the blender
b. pour the 14 ounces of milky liquid into the blender
c. add the mustard, salt, pepper and spices (I used garlic powder, about 1/2 teaspoon and a couple shakes of chili flakes in everything for zest.)
d. If you have any chicken broth, use it, one cup, or use the water from cooking the cauliflower, one cup (not both).
e. Add the potato starch.
f. Blend it. There will be lumps, but don't worry, they will melt. It's cheese.

Heat the sauce carefully so it won't burn, whisking most of the time. As it thickens, you can tip the pot so it will continue toward boiling but won't burn. when it's thickened, pour it over the cauliflower arranged on top of the heated rice.

Serve it quickly so it won't get cold. Enjoy

This is my dog Lila. I love her and she keeps me company when I walk on the beach. I get gluten free food for her at Costco. The only one I've found is Costco's brand of mature cat food. The vet said it's fine to give her cat food. It's higher protein, but that's not a bad thing. I was getting gluten from her all the time. Her food was getting all around my life. Now it's much better.

Don't forget to cook for yourself. It matters. Plan ahead, buy food, take the time to cook it. Build it into your life. You and the people who count on you will be better for it.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

I'm sorry

Hi, I have to apologize and make a correction. I'm sorry because I gave you the wrong price for the crab lump package at Costco. It is actually $13.99. We're having company and one container will be enough for four of us. I'll make crab cakes and serve them with corn muffins and salad. (I use the corn muffin mix from Kinikkinnick - which is probably spelled wrong. I never get it right.) We will be full and it will be a treat.

And I haven't posted anything on my blog for two days. I have a friend visiting. She's the one who did the photography for my cookbook, "Gluten Free For You and Me", and we've been busy shopping for food and cooking.

I will write recipes and put up pictures soon.

Remember, food tastes good and it's hard to ruin it. So experiment and keep trying till you find what you like. As long as it's gluten free, it's fair game.