Saturday, September 18, 2010

Old stuff, left over and useless or good memory?

From time to time when I'm searching the back recesses of the old black files in the closet for a warranty, I realize that I have nice, clean, new looking instruction booklets and warranties for equipment I haven't had for a long time. Sometimes it's small appliances I don't even remember owning. Like a real nice looking juicer. Naturally I couldn't find the warranty for the 3 month old water pump that just broke.

On the other hand, my daughter told me she was pleased that after I'm gone she will have these blog pictures so she can see my food and my dishes. So some rememberances are dear.

What's my point? I don't remember. There probably is one.

One of my favorite things to eat is some spontaneous mixture of two or more leftovers in the frig. This morning I took the last of the menudo. You remember, the recipe for cow innards nobody made? A very nice woman who came last week to help me when my back was out made it and it was excellent. I had eaten almost all the meat (or something like meat) and had mostly broth left.

I also had some cooked rice shell noodles, (Tinkyada - reliably gluten free) and just a little pesto made to go on top of the noodles. The pesto would have been better balanced if my basil plants weren't dying. I gathered every usable leaf, and eight garlic cloves, a teaspoon of coarse seat salt, olive oil, (about a quarter cup), and pine nuts, (three quarters cup). I pureed it in the cuisinart food processor, a wonderful tool. It turned out to be mostly garlic. I enjoyed it on the noodles. Three bowls full. Not a real balanced meal, but twice a year won't hurt.

This morning I heated the last of the menudo soup and added the bowl of noodles and the glop of pesto. When it was hot, I squeezed in the juice of one lime, and poured in a quarter cup of coconut milk. Sorry no pictures. I was too hungry to wait, and you couldn't really see anything except creamy beige liquid.

Wow, it was great. In my experience any left over soup and any carbohydrate will work well. Chicken soup with rice! Tomato soup with rice or noodles. Pesto is so good, it's hard not to like it in any food. On top of cooked eggplant. On toast. In almost any soup. Cauliflower and potato soup doesn't lend itself to many additions except cheese, which is always welcome.

The photos are pork (like a chop, but no bone) and sauteed brocholli and plantain. And for the day I really didn't feel like eating anything, yummy margarine toasted Kinnikinick gluten free bread, two fried eggs, and tiny slivers of nitrate free ham from Trader Joe's.

Pork chop:
1. rinse it, pat it dry with a paper towel
2. "flour" it with a mix of fine cornmeal, from Kinnikinick, and rice flour and all the spices you can bear.

3. saute it in olive oil till it's cooked through but not dry

4. wash the brocholli, cut it off at the florets.
a. peel the stems and eat them raw, or give them to the kids
b. separate the florets and saute in olive oil, not too much

5. Peel and slice the plantain, saute it next to the brocholli, they don't mind sharing

My mom taught me that pork chops are always good with applesauce, so if you have some, try it.


1. put some good tasting non-hydrogenated margarine in a non stick pan

2. cut the bread into thirds in both directions

3. toast the cubes in the marg.

4. slice some slivers off the ham slice which I keep in the freezer. It will slice frozen.

5. put the few ham bits in the pan to warm. They are for flavor and elegance.

6. break the eggs into the pan, either on top of the bread, or scoot them over and put the eggs right on the pan. Stir them till they're gently firm and cooked but not hard and dry.

Looks like fall is here, at least in southern California. It's cool at night in Baja. It never even got hot this year.
I want to hear from someone. Try commenting. It took mine. Send me an email if you have a request for a recipe. If you know anyone with Celiac disease or gluten intolerance, please ask them if they would like to get this blog.

My high school 50th reunion is next Saturday evening. I'm concentrating hard on being younger and thinner. (I can't imagine why I bother. In high school I was younger and thinner. Was I a success? Absolutely not.) I'll let you know how it goes.

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